On January 29, 2009, the Senate again asked that the Digital Television transition be delayed until June 12, 2009. Senate Bill (S.352) was fast-tracked through the Senate and is essentially the same text as S.328 from a few days earlier. The big exception is that this bill will go through the normal process in the House instead of the fast-track process that failed this week.
The House only requires a majority, so it is expected that this new Bill will pass next week once the full vote is in.
There is a provision to allow stations to make the conversion as previously scheduled "so long as such prior termination is conducted in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission's requirements in effect on the date of enactment of" the DTV Delay Act.
If all broadcasters decided to switch then the DTV Delay Act will have been for naught.
The House only requires a majority, so it is expected that this new Bill will pass next week once the full vote is in.
There is a provision to allow stations to make the conversion as previously scheduled "so long as such prior termination is conducted in accordance with the Federal Communications Commission's requirements in effect on the date of enactment of" the DTV Delay Act.
If all broadcasters decided to switch then the DTV Delay Act will have been for naught.